There are many ways that you can support our efforts in the Isle of Wight County Public Schools. Please contact us if you are interested in more information.
Become a Sponsor at the 17th Annual Students First Dinner and Auction - Sneaker Ball, November 1, 2024.
There will be a variety of sponsorship levels available. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact us.
Donate an item for the the 17th Annual Students First Dinner and Auction - Sneaker Ball, November 1, 2024.
Please contact us if you have an item to donate.
Sponsor a Silent Auction Package for the 17th Annual Students First Dinner and Auction - Sneaker Ball, November 1, 2024.
Please contact us if you have an item you wish to sponsor.
Make an “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of” contribution.
Any amount is welcome and a card of appreciation will be sent.
Consider planned giving.
Leave us in your will. Your legacy will live on through your gift!
Make a one time donation.
Please make the check payable to "Education Foundation for IWCPS" and mail to:
Education Foundation for IWCPS
PO Box 113
Smithfield, VA 23431
or via PayPal at
Set up a memorial fund in someone's name.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors